No KDE Vs GNOME: Make A Statement Against Flame wars
No programmer yourself but you want specific improvements in KDE? ... I don't subscribe to this KDE vs GNOME argument, I believe in free software and I ... This is hardly an authorative statement, but I believe that use of minimalist design is ... We have flame-wars about usability here all the time, but none of us believes that.... We do not want a steering committee or advisory board that ... The original raison d'etre of GNOME was to make war on KDE. While RMS ... The statement about a cease-fire doesn't have to use martial terminology. I am only.... ... many find the inspiration to start a flame wars between KDE and GNOME users. We will only briefly copy a statement from Linus Torvalds interview, which original extends to six pages, so our readers can make their own conclusion: ... KDE 4.0 arrived as an update on the Fedora; desktop just was not.... Those dollars on projects to build sales volume or to help operations become more ... The tracks are no longer used, but for some reason, probably related to the ... statement in Nicholas Petreley-s (deservedly) critical piece on GNOME ... I don't want to get into the perpetual flame war between users of C and users of C++.. No KDE vs GNOME: make a statement against flame wars. Tux Yes, I'm still learning for my exams, but this is just too important: Through the.... If you are a GUI developer - GNOME is the future, and you should get ready for it. ... The later statement does not mean that KDE did not work as a program, just it was ... KDE: the Latest Round 344 Posted by Soulskill on Tuesday April 05, 2011 ... This is a old flame war. however with your question i think that kde *might* be.... Let's have a look at some of the more famous tech wars or tech feuds from both past and present. ... While not directly fanning the flames, the companies themselves weren't on the best of ... for Linux/Unix, but the two most common are Gnome and KDE. ... Someone was bound to bite on that statement.. The debate about whether KDE or GNOME is the better desktop ... Flame wars could be fierce, but like many flame wars, the fierceness reflected how trivial ... Even more so than KDE, it pushed users to work in non-traditional ways. ... Both GNOME and Plasma have grown greatly in sophistication in the last.... Linus Torvalds, Linux's creator, dislikes the GNOME desktop. There was a big flame war(s) between Linus Torvalds and the GNOME community. ... in the end and I will re-try KDE, but I suspect I'm not the only person they lost. ... Get the latest tutorials on SysAdmin, Linux/Unix and open source topics via.... I have held back blogging about Phonon for some time to avoid flamewars, but I don't want to have efforts like OSDL delayed due to ... While the general statement that no framework supports all formats or all features is true, ... GStreamer corner is that if both GNOME and KDE share a multimedia framework.... The GoneME fork was started in response, but did not get very far. ... I don't use GNOME or KDE as my desktop, but I use and love GNOME, KDE ... I'm disappointed that people continue to flame about how their cheese was ... At least there wouldn't be the implicit statement that the new desktop environment.... KDE debate, one of the computing world's most favourite flamewars. ... KDE allows for great flexibility, meaning that if you do not like how it looks by ... about KDE and GNOME on modern PCs or did your statement include.... Non-NPOV w/r/t KDE? KDE bashing? I'll see if anyone posts comments on it first, but I don't ... Personally, while we're on the Gnome vs kde thing, could we also include maybe a ... I would appreciate you taking back your statement. ... There is no edit war here... you'd have to hang around on Wikipedia articles on abortion,.... Linus says "Personally, I like KDE better than gnome right now, on the ... I despise people who do complain, and I won't be sucked into the ... Perhaps I can post stories about KDE or Gnome without rousing a flame war every time? 0 ... Terms Privacy Statement; Privacy Choices; Opt-out Choices About.... Its buggy and incomplete (2.10 shipped without the ability to edit the ... Then if menu editing makes it incomplete then it would be 99.9% incomplete. ... Sorry, I don't want to start a flame war or advertise Windows, but let's face the facts. ... Because kde people care to vote on a poll to defend kde becuase they.... At the risk are starting a flame war, may I ask if Mono is installed in the KDE CE? ... likely not be dependent on mono development, and if you have a KDE ... --those kind of business decisions tend to set off a KDE vs Gnome flame-war. ... into the weasel statements Microsoft has made about mono being ok.. No idea, but you can install Kubuntu (KDE Ubuntu), which installs KDE Instead of GNOME. ... That could start flame wars :o ... But really if you dont like gnome you can get KDE on it or use kubuntu. ... I can't make any sense of this statement.. Everyone knows about the infamous internet wars. ... Non-Global Warming, Religion (or lack thereof) vs. ... Torvalds doesn't have the greatest temper (see below for the infamous Gnome flame war that he started), and the battle was joined. ... Linus Torvalds (KDE) vs. GNOME. Disclaimer: I'm a KDE user.. I am soo Tired of the Endless Desktop Flame Wars - Can we Please all Stop This? ... of Gnome, there seems to have been a never ending flame w ar about desktops ... If you like kde, you can install Kubuntu without the existence of Unityhaving ... This isn't about the positioning of the window buttons, the defaultwallpaper, or.... That's why I switched from gnome to KDE4 about 1 year ago. openSUSE ... But not because you have to Ctrl+N for a new terminal window. ... Neither statement is true, but from a certain point of view they could be argued. ... Typically one does not see LXDE vs Xfce flame wars, like one unfortunately see's in Gnome vs KDE.
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